Monday, November 19, 2012

Importance of Mobile Applications –How Do We Measure It?

It seems each and every activity pertaining to human life will be covered by millions of mobile applications soon. The journey started long back with mere invention of calculator. Soon, computers became the craze for businesses and later on ruled over individuals. The journey is two and a half decade old but, completely different today. A new picture of technology has gripped the world by its ever enchanting magic coupled by the advancement of mobile devices. 

Mobile devices are now laden with mobile applications, some of which are important and some are designed for no reason in mind. If we look at some of the applications, we do not see any importance of that application in the app store of any mobile platform like Android, IOS or Windows. They are simply the wastage of time and money as well as the space consumed by that application. But, there are ample applications that impact our lives some way or other. For example, any application related to entertainment, like cinema ticket booking application or event ticket booking application. They make our life easy allowing us to make purchase or book on the go. Here you planned, there you booked!

DevelopmentIndia is worried about the applications of no importance and the space taken by them. On asking, a few avid mobile users responded in favor of those insignificant applications and said “when we go to any garment shop we reject a lot of pieces and pick the one that suits the most. But, those rejected ones are bought by someone or other so is the case with insignificant apps”. That clearly means no application on the app store is worthless. 

There are a number of way with which we can make users aware of the importance of the app as well as the performance of the application on any network. We will discuss that in our next blog. But, I would like to ask for your opinion or feedback or suggestion on the question that still stands tall to most of us. Are all applications important or more or less important? Should the insignificant applications be removed from the app store on analysis and user review basis?  

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